With osteochondrosis, degenerative-doprophic changes, accompanied by a violation of anatomical structure of the intervertebral disk, are lived by degenerative-dystrophic changes, as well as their performance function. One of the general forms of the disease is the osteocondrosis of cervical spine.
If you believe in the statistics information, more than half of the world's population has the severity of the manifestation of a degree or pathology. As a rule, the average manifestation of the disease occurs in the average age of 30-40 years.
In the adverse living conditions, in cases where genetic trends and provocative factors are combined, the development of osteochondrosis can be 20-30. In particular, it is easier to facilitate the spinal chain or static loads in the backs of various violence.

Why is cervical osteocondrosis dangerous? His aggravation and consequences, can a human beings die?
Important! The main saboteur of the formation of pathology is an uneven load in the spine column. It can only be used on a shoulder or only one hand, using a very soft mattress, using a very soft mattress, wearing a heavy bag, a very soft mattress. All this causes the wrong distribution of the load of the spine.
In addition, there is a negative impact:
- Hypodynamia;
- Seated lifestyle;
- obesity;
- the appearance of the waist, pelvic bones or limbs;
- Pathological changes in the set of foot;
- Age side.
Other reasons that affect the development of the disease include:
- Excessive physical activity;
- Chronic psycho -ematic stress;
- Disorders of metabolic processes;
- any type of poisoning;
- Diseases of digestive system;
- Professional harm (eg includes labor on the vibration platform);
- genetic factors;
- Occurrence of posture, scoliosis when the skeleton is in the stage of active growth;
- Invalid selected shoes (a very tight, high heels);
- no regular lack of liquids;
- Invalid and low nutrition, lack of entrepreneurs of all vitamins and trace elements necessary for it;
- Chronic nicotine intoxication;
- The cycle of gestation is because this situation is characterized by the displacement of the center of gravity.

What threatens the osteocondrosis of cervical spine in women?
Major clinical manifestations of osteocondrosis:
- Pain in the neck, shoulder zone, ribs;
- Feeling of anxiety, hardness in body movements (changes in position, inclination, head);
- Muscle hypertension or, on the contrary, hypotonus;
- occurrence of numbness in the field of hands, hands and fingers;
- headache, dizziness;
- Symptoms of Astenia;
- Strong pain;
- the formation of paresthesia in the zone of upper extremities;
- appearance of spots in front of the eyes;
- A sense of noise in the ears.
Doctors' opinion:
Cervical osteochondrosis, if you do not care, it is a serious illness that can lead to various complications. Doctors note that the main reasons for the development of this situation are properly working, sitting, lifestyle, cervical spine. Symptoms of osteocondrosis can cover pain in neck, headache, dizziness, a sense of numbness in the hands. Often patients complain about the feeling of stiffness on the neck and shoulders. These symptoms ignore doctors that warn that these symptoms can cause the development of nerves and even the development of intervertebral disk. Therefore, it is important to connect with specialists for diagnosis and appointed complex treatment, including medicines, physiotherapy and special exercises.
The progress of the pathological process can be divided into four stages:
- During this period, the initial changes in the furrow nucleus of intervertebring discs begin. Large loads cause the thirst of the nucleus, the reason for this, the volume of intervertebral disk is significantly reduced and cracks are formed in fibrous ring cracks. At this stage, there are no clinical manifestations at all. Only the exciting symptom can be a sense of anxiety during staying long time to stay in active movements or concern.
- The ongoing reduction in the discovery will contribute to the reduction of breaks between neighboring vertebra, as well as to continue the spine muscle and ligamament. These changes will cause vertebrae and more mobile filled with the displacement or slip of their affected disks. Here, patients are already complaining about the formation of pain, which is incited with a change in some poses and the effects of cargo.
- In this stage, the affected disk will occur in prolapsey or protrusions. Often accompanied by a sublulation of the combination of the joints of the spine or arthrosis. Patients begin to complain about the formation of restrictions in the performance of a certain movement in the upper extremity, hardness, paresthesia or numbness. Localization limited to the neck area, becomes more denser and requires you to take medication to remove it.
- The body does everything possible to ensure the level of increasing the growing mobility of individual vertebraates, and adapt to new existing conditions related to the violation of the normal functioning of spinalures. In areas where Vertebrae is in contact with each other, the growth of bone tissue for a safer fixation (such-called osteophytees). But when the bone growth, virural injuries often have cases, compression of the vascular sea beam. The formation of fibrous ankylosis of intervertebral compounds occurs. If the injuries or compression of nervous ends, the severity of clinical manifestations can be slightly pale.

Neurological symptoms: head, neck and rear pain, affect the brain
Degenerative changes in Vertabra cause their structure to be violated. Changes in the progress of the disease begin to affect the vascular and nervous structures going along the spine.
Attention! Irritation of nervous roots, the formation of vascular spasm (affects the vasoconstriktor, arteries), resulting in oxygen and food transportation. Neuron Ischemia causes violation of certain hormones that provide normal operation of the velvet system.
The result will be the progress of vegetative distonia symptoms:
- fluctuations of blood pressure;
- pain in temples;
- inability to breathe in trouble or deep breath;
- dizziness, synchronous terms;
- Tachycardia;
- pain behind the sternum;
- Epigastria pain;
- hyperhidrosis;
- The appearance of shaking hands.
Cervical osteochondrosis, many are a serious disease that they are talking about. It is dangerous that can cause various complications, including blood circulatory disorders in the brain and waist. At the same time, the results can be extremely serious, the paralysis of the limbs. The reasons for the development of this disease can be in the wrong posture, sedentary lifestyle, neck injuries and infections. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, noise in the ears, tingling feelings. Therefore, it is important to contact a specialist in the first signs to prevent possible complications.
Compressions of radical nerve structures in the cervical region cause violation of the vascular innervation. The permanent compression of the nervous texture causes the fibers to lose their ability to bind the impulses from the brain's pyramid market.
Attention! In advanced cases, vertebral artery syndrome may occur. In this case, both hypotonic state and hypertension can occur.
With the combination of osteocondrosis, which has a high level of blood pressure and fluctuations, the approach to therapy must be complicated. I wish a cardiologist treated such patients, he will not achieve normalization of pressure. This can affect parallel to pathological changes in the spine. In the absence of an integrated approach, a sharp compensation in the pressure that violates the development of spine ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke can occur.

Danger of destructive effects in the spine
Pain in the main area is one of the common symptoms of this pathology. The use of painkillers has a positive effect only for a short time, but the root cause of the disease cannot be checked.
The main factor, which caused the pain of pain, is the subquification of the Vertebrese of the neck. In this case, there is a compression of vertebral arteries and nearby nerve fibers.
Headache is regular. The following symptoms can accompany it:
- nausea;
- vomit;
- tinnitus;
- darkening in front of the eyes;
- short - loss of consciousness;
- irritation;
- Insomnia;
- Reduced performance.
The following complexes of syndromes are different at the osteocondrosis clinic:
- Compression-brown cervical vertebrogen syndrome;
- irritated-reflex syndrome of pain; muscle-tonic;
- vertebral artery syndrome;
- Myelopathy cervical compression.

The effects of therapy and therapeutic drugs, harmful effects for joints
It is enough to collect rehearsals regularly to prevent the development of diseases. An approximate option for morning or evening gymnastics:
- Press your forehead in Pal and squeeze your neck muscles. Seven seconds are required to take three approaches. Then change the direction and press the back of your head in the palm of your hand. The number of approaches is the same.
- Click on the left-left temporary area on the left and then repeat the exercise to the right. In this case, you should not forget to strain the cervical muscles.
- The head is a bit back. Then, you have to press the jaw jugular fossa by repel the resistance of intense muscle fibers. The number of approaches is five.
- The head and shoulder belt have been corrected. The maximum amplitude, which is originally possible, then to the right, then it is required to turn to the left.
- The jaw sinks the neck. The heads of the heads are also in one direction and then in the other direction.
- The head is thrown back. The right shoulder is required to touch with the right ear and then make it vice versa.
All exercises are performed five times in all sides. Can be done both at home and at work. Especially if the work is associated with large loads of work. The starting position can also be selected: stand or sit in the chair. Failure is to fulfill the circular movements of the head because it triggered vertebrae.
Consequences of treatment: It is dangerous to the extent of the disease, the possible complications and results of the disease
Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease that will not happen over time. Modern medicine cannot treat degenerative vertebral changes. Therefore, the task of patients and doctors is to prevent the progress of pathology and complications.
What is dangerous cervical osteochondrosis, if you do not receive a timely treatment, the result of the disease, the violated functions of the internal organs and systems, the weakness and atrophy of the muscles, weakness and atrophy. The disease also causes the mobility of spine and limits loss of sensitivity.
In the form of gels, ointments, tablets, tibrets, tbrells, are contraindicated in children, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.
The neck "cervical osteochondrosis", muscle atrophy (muscle weight loss), the backs of the long muscles of the backs may be marked by a violation of statents in the muscle tone or cervical region.
In a developed stage of osteocondrosis, the dangers of cervical osteochondrosis, are dangerous to human life, can develop and develop many other diseases. Therefore, when any symptom associated with this disease is recommended to seek medical care.
Avoid staying a long time in the wrong position of the head to protect the correct posture and reduce the burden on the cervical waist.
Make rehearsals for neck and back to strengthen the muscles and increase the elasticity of joints.
Avoid weights without the necessary techniques to not burden the cervical spine and avoid osteocondrosis.